Cost Breakdown:

*$15 per hour for CAC family (The total amount of hours includes the time needed for setup and teardown.)
*$25 per hour for community (The total amount of hours includes the time needed for setup and teardown.)
*$200 deposit will be required once the event is approved to reserve the facility


Tip: Please check the box, acknowledging the deposit requirement.

Tip: Please check both boxes, acknowledging cleaning responsibilities. There will be a checkout page must be completed as the end of your usage.

Tip: Please check the boxes, acknowledging Cornerstone Alliance Church's Right of Refusal and Prohibited Substances

For Use After Event Approval

Tip: List any changes to original event request.

Signatures will be required once event is approved.


Full Amount Owed:______________________________________________________


Must be paid in full by:__________________/________________/_________________

Balance: __________________________________

Balance: __________________________________

Balance: __________________________________

Balance: __________________________________